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UNIX Tutorial

Typographical conventions

In what follows, we shall use the following typographical conventions:

  • To aid with navigation the standard Ubuntu Live CD prompt ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ will be shown1).
  • The output of the computer will be shown in standard typewriter font.
  • Characters written in bold typewriter font are commands to be typed into the computer as they stand.
  • Characters written in italic typewriter font indicate non-specific file or directory names.
  • Words or characters typeset like this <key>Ctrl</key> indicate keys to be pressed.

So, for example ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ls anydirectory <key>Enter</key> means “at the UNIX prompt ubuntu@ubuntu:~$, type ls followed by the name of some directory, then press the key marked Enter”

Don't forget to press the <key>Enter</key> key: commands are not sent to the computer until this is done.

<note> UNIX is case-sensitve, so LS is not the same as ls.

The same applies to filenames, so myfile.txt, MyFile.txt and MYFILE.TXT are three seperate files. Beware if copying files to a PC, since Windows does not make this distinction. </note>

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Dr Chris P. Jobling 2007/09/11 18:41

This prompt will change as you move around the file system and when you have your own installation
eg-253/unix0.txt · Last modified: 2011/01/14 12:45 by