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Installing XAMPP and WordPress

Supporting: Practical 1 and Practical 2.

  1. Install the XAMPP web server using the instructions provided.
  2. Examine the installation directories.
  3. A real httpd.conf file is fairly complex, but it is usually well documented and as it is text, it's fairly easy to read. Examine the configuration file of your web server.1) Open the file, and then
    1. Determine the User and Group of your server
    2. Note the location of your log files, mime types, ServerRoot, DocumentRoot etc.
  4. Install the latest version of the WordPress blogging software using the instructions provided.
  5. Create a blog entry.

More Homework Exercises

XAMPP for Linux: /opt/lampp/httpd.conf; XAMPP for Windows c:\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf
eg-259/homework/5.txt · Last modified: 2011/01/14 13:00 by