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Coursework 2: Server-Side Programming

Formally issued on: Tuesday 17th November, 2009.

Lecturer: Dr Chris P. Jobling.

Due date: Start of the final lecture on Thursday 10th December, 2009.

The Exercise

  • Write a PHP document to generate a web form (in valid XHTML 1.1) that collects favourite popular songs, including the name of the song, the composer, and the performing artist or group. This form must call one PHP script when the form is submitted and another to request a current list of survey results.
  • Write a PHP script that collects the data from the form of Exercise 1 and writes it to a file.
  • Write a PHP script that produces the current results of the survey of Exercise 1.

Hint: As you have not done any PHP yet, mock up the application in XHTML first!

Submission Details

You should submit a copy of your PHP scripts packaged in a single zip file (Windows Compressed Folder) and sent to me via email. You may assume that I will test the scripts by installing the PHP scripts at server location /student_id/. I would appreciate it if your zip file followed this convention. However, your scripts should use relative addressing and you should not assume anything about where your application will be installed. Avoid the use of absolute URIs in the action attribute in any forms and href attribute in any anchors. CSS styling and JavaScript is not required, but if provided, the files must be external and located in the same folder as the PHP files, or in suitably named subfolders (e.g. scripts, style, images, etc). Use relative addressing in the associated <img>, <link> and <script> tags.

How this Work will be Assessed

There will be:

  • 10 marks for successful completion of the exercise as a PHP web application;
  • You will lose 2 marks if I have to edit any files in order to get them to work!

Late submissions will not be marked.

eg-259/cw2.1258369469.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/01/14 12:27 (external edit)