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The Structural Layer

Adapted from: Robert W. Sebasta, Programming the World-Wide Web, 3rd Edition, Addison Wesley, 2006. Supporting: The Background Materials for Contact Hour 3.

  1. What does it mean for a tag or attribute of HTML to be deprecated?
  2. What is the form of an HTML comment?
  3. How does a browser treat line breaks in text to be displayed
  4. What is the difference in the effect of a paragraph tag and a break tag?
  5. Which heading tags use fonts that are smaller than the normal text font size?
  6. How do browsers usually set block quotations differently from normal text?
  7. What does the <code> tag do to its content?
  8. What are the differences between the JPEG and GIF image formats?
  9. What are the two required attributes of an <img /> tag?
  10. What is the purpose of the alt attribute of <img />?
  11. What tag is used to define a link?
  12. What attribute is required in all anchor tags?
  13. Does HTML allow nested links?
  14. How is the target of a link usually identified in a case where the target is in the currently displayed document but not at its beginning?
  15. What is the form of the value of the href attribute in an anchor tag when the target is a fragment of a document other than the one in which the link appears?

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eg-259/review/xhtml.txt · Last modified: 2012/01/20 17:40 by eechris