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XAMPP and WordPress Installation

  1. What is the latest version of Apache Friends XAMPP for Windows?
  2. What features does XAMPP for Windows provide?
  3. Which port does Apache listen to?
  4. Which port does MySQL listen to?
  5. Which port does FilleZilla FTP server listen to?
  6. Which file would you edit to change the Apache port to 8000?
  7. What command would you change?
  8. What would the URL of the XAMPP home page be?
  9. Which directory is used to store configuration settings for Apache?
  10. Where are log files stored?
  11. Where are the resources stored?
  12. For MySQL what is the default user name and password for the administrator?
  13. What settings are needed before you can install WordPress?
  14. Where would the WordPress web application be installed if the blog URL is to be http://localhost/blogs/wordpress?
  15. How does WordPress set the administrator password?

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eg-259/review/xampp-wordpress.txt · Last modified: 2011/01/14 13:01 by