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Supplementary Material on SQL and Databases for the Web

Additional notes to be read in conjunction with Lecture 19. Not examinable.


Introduction to SQL

  • Some supplementary notes on SQL that are assumed to have been covered in CS-219.
  • SQL is a standard language to create, query, and modify databases that is supported by all major database vendors.
  • More like structured English than a programming language.
  • We cover only six basic commands: CREATE TABLE, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and DROP.
  • SQL reserved words are not case sensitive

SQL commands

The CREATE TABLE command

     column_name_1  data_type  constraints,
     column_name_n  data_type  constraints)
  • There are many different data types (INTEGER, FLOAT, CHAR(length), …)
  • There are several constraints possible e.g., NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY.

The SELECT Command

  • Used to specify queries
  • Three clauses: SELECT, FROM, and WHERE
  • General form:
  FROM TABLE names
  WHERE condition

The INSERT Command

  INSERT INTO TABLE_NAME (col_name_1, ..., col_name_n)
  VALUES (value_1, ..., value_n)
  • The correspondence between column names and values is positional.

The UPDATE Command

  • To change one or more values of a row in a table:
  SET col_name_1 = value_1,
      col_name_n = value_n
  WHERE col_name = VALUE

The DELETE Command

  • Example:
  DELETE FROM Corvettes
  WHERE Vette_id = 27
  • The WHERE clause could specify more than one row of the table

The DROP Command

  • To delete whole databases or complete tables:

Architectures for Database Access

Microsoft Access Architecture

  • A tool to access any common database structure
  • Use either the Jet database engine, or go through the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) standard
  • ODBC is an API for a set of objects and methods that are an interface to different databases
  • Database vendors provide ODBC drivers for their products - the drivers implement the ODBC objects and methods
  • An application can include SQL statements that work for any database for which a driver is available

The Perl DBI/DBD Architecture

  • Database Interface (DBI) provides methods & attributes for generic SQL commands
  • Database Driver (DBD) is an interface to a specific database system (MySQL, Oracle, etc.)
  • Convenient for Web access to databases, because the Perl program can be run as CGI on the Web server system

PHP & Database Access

  • An API for each specific database system
  • Also convenient for Web access to databases, because PHP is run on the Web server

The Java JDBC Architecture

  • Related to both embedded languages and to ODBC
  • JDBC is a standard protocol that can be implemented as a driver for any database system
  • JDBC allows SQL to be embedded in Java applications, applets, and servlets
  • JDBC has the advantage of portability over embedded SQL
  • A JDBC application will work with any database system for which there is a JDBC driver

Common Database Access Architecture

The structure illustrated here is common to many three-tier database applications, including web applications.

Common Database Access Architecture

Database Access with Perl/MySQL

  • Needed:
    1. DBI – a standard object-oriented module
    2. A DBD for the specific database system

The Perl Database Interface (DBI)

  • DBI Module
  • Get complete documentation from perldoc DBI
  • Interface is similar to Perl's interface to external files – through a filehandle
  • To provide access to DBI and create a DBI object:
  use DBI;

DBI: Connect to Database

  • Access to the object is through the reference variable, DBI
  • To connect to the database:
  $dbh = DBI->connect(
         [, username]
         [, password]);
  • Example DBI→connect();
  $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:cars"); 
  • Creates the db handle
  • Assumes the user name of the person logged in
  • Assumes the db does not need a password
  • The connect method is usually used with die
  • A Perl program can have connections to any number of databases
  • To create a query, we usually compile the SQL command first, then use it against the database

DBI: Prepare

  • To create a compiled query, use prepare, as in:
    $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT Vette_id,
               Body_style, Year, States.State
       FROM Corvettes, States
       WHERE Corvettes.State = States.State_id
          AND States.State = 'California'"); 

DBI: Execute

  • To execute a compiled query, use execute, as in:
    $sth->execute() or
       die "Error -query: $dbh->errstr\n"; 

DBI Results

  • The $sth object now has the result of the query
  • To display the results, we would like column names, which are stored in a hash:
    $col_names = $sth->{NAME}; 
  • Rows of the result are available with the fetchrow_array method, which returns a reference to an array that has the next row of the result (returns false if there are no more rows)
  • Note Putting query results directly into an HTML document can cause trouble (text may contain >, <, , and &)
  • Avoid the problem by using the CGI function, escapeHTML (converts to entities: &gt;, &lt;, &quot; and &amp;)

Perl/MySQL: Example

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//w3c//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
<!-- carsdata.html
     Uses a form to collect a query against the cars
     Calls the PHP script, access_cars.php to perform
     the given query and display the results
<html xmlns = "" xml:lang="en">
  <head><title> Access to the corvettes database </title>
SELECT Vette_id, Body_style, Year, States.State
FROM Corvettes, States
WHERE Corvettes.State = States.State_id AND States.State = 'California'
      Please enter your query
      <br />
      <form action  = "/~eechris/cgi-bin/access_cars.cgi" method = "post">
<textarea  rows = "2"  cols = "80" name = "query" >
        <br /><br />
        <input type = "reset"  value = "Reset" />
        <input type = "submit"  value = "Submit request" />
  • The CGI program to illustrate using MySQL from Perl access_cars.cgi
#!c:\Perl\bin\perl.exe -w
# access_cars.cgi
# A CGI program to illustrate using MySQL from Perl
# Get access to DBI and CGI
use DBI;
use CGI ":standard";
print header();
print start_html("CGI-Perl MySQL database access");
# Create the connection to the database, cars
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:cars", "eg-259", "");
if (!$dbh) {
    print "Error connecting to database; $dbh->errstr\n";
# Get the query and display it
my $query = param("query");
print "<p> <b> The query is: </b>", $query, "</p>";
# Build a statement object for a SELECT SQL command
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
# Execute the statement
$sth->execute or
    die "Error - unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n";
# Get a reference to the column names in the returned value and
#  display the column names as the first table row
print "<table> <caption> <h2> Query Results </h2> </caption>",
      "<tr align = 'center'>";
my $col_names = $sth->{NAME};
foreach $field_name (@$col_names) {
    print "<th> $field_name </th>";
print "</tr>";
# Get the rows of the result and display them in the table
while (@result_rows = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
    print "<tr align = 'center'>";
    while ($#result_rows >= 0) {
        $field = shift @result_rows;
# Replace the HTML special characters with their entities
$field = escapeHTML($field);
        print "<td>  $field </td>";
    print "</tr>";
print "</table>";
print end_html(); 
  • Result:


Explanations of how to use JDBC to connect to MySQL and how to use this to re-implement the cars query using servlets are covered in Robert W. Sebasta, Programming the World-Wide Web, 3rd Edition, Addison Wesley, 2006. Many of the details are analogous to the Perl/PHP interface. Not examinable.

Review Questions

  1. What is JDBC and why is it useful?
  2. What does the Perl DBI module provide?
  3. What is the relationship between ODBC and JDBC?
  4. What is the form of the first parameter to the Perl DBI method connect?
  5. What does the Perl DBI prepare method do?
  6. What is a Perl DBI statement handle?

Optional Extras

If you want to look into JDBC, these questions may help to guide your study.

  1. Explain the two ways of using JDBC.
  2. What advantage does a third-tier computer provide when using JDBC?
  3. What method of what class is used to connect to a database when using JDBC?
  4. Explain the two ways to register a JDBC driver.
  5. What purpose does a Statement object serve when using SQL through JDBC?
  6. What method of what class is used to execute a SQL action command?
  7. What method of what class is used to execute a SELECT command?
  8. What class of object is returned from the executeQuery method?
  9. How can a program iterate through the object returned by executeQuery?
  10. What is the form of the methods used to extract values from the object returned by executeQuery?

Go back to Lecture 19.

eg-259/extras/dbandsql.txt · Last modified: 2011/01/14 13:00 by