Table of Contents


Classes and Inheritance

The slides and notes in this presentation are adapted from Groovy Programming (See Recommended Reading).

An index to the source code for all the examples in this lecture is available.


A class is a collection of data the methods that operate on that data. Together the data and methods of a classes are used to represent some real-world object from the problem domain.

For example, if we were developing a banking application, we might expect to find classes to represent account objects, bank objects and perhaps customer objects. Similarly, in a student record system we might require classes to represent student objects, course and module objects as well as objects to represent programs of study.

Observe how these real-world objects may have a physical presence or may represent some well-understood conceptual entity in the application. In our examples a student will most definitely exist, while a program of study has no physical existence.


Introduction to Classes

A Simple Class

1 | Example 1: A Simple Class (at-m42/Examples/lecture07/example1.groovy)

In Example 1 we define a class that might describe an item in our ongoing game example along with some code to create an instance of this class and display its state.

The output when we execute the script is:

Item sword: Magical sword has value 1000.

The Groovy keyword class is followed by the name of the class, in this case Item. The class declares two public properties (name, and value) and no methods. An instance of the class is created using the new operator, as in:

def sword = new Item(name : 'Magical sword', value : 1000)

The new keyword is follow by the name of the class of the object we are creating. The parameters comprises a list of named parameters specifying how the properties of the instance are to be initialized. Here, the Item object, referenced as sword, has a name 'Magical sword' and a value of 1000. Observe how the properties of th instance are referenced in the print statement (line 14). The expression is used to access the name property of the Item object sword.

As simple as this class may appear, there is a great deal going on under the surface. First, the two properties introduced in the Item class are said to have public access. This means that they can be used in any other part of the code to refer to the individual parts of the state of an instance of th Item class. This is how the print statement is able to access the state of the sword object.

Second, this simple example demonstrates how Groovy seek to unify instance fields and methods. Properties remove the distinction between an instance field (sometimes also called an attribute) and a method. For a view external to the Groovy class, a property is is like both the instance field and its getter/setter method. In effect, the usage of a property reference like is actually implemented by the method sword.getName().

Two object instances

1 | Example 1: Two object instances (at-m42/Examples/lecture07/example2.groovy)

A class is a template for creating instances of objects defined by that class. In this example, we create two Item objects and print their values. When we run the program we get:

Item sword: Magical sword has value 1000.
Item cloak: Cloak of invisibility has value 500.

You should make particular note that although the properties have the same name, because they belong to the objects (respectively sword and cloak) they are completely independent. In fact, each object reserves its own storage for the full set of its properties.

Using the implicit getter and setter methods

| Example 3: Using the implicit getter and setter methods (at-m42/Examples/lecture07/example3.groovy)
    // Create two instances
def sword = new Item(name : 'Magical sword', value : 1000)
def cloak = new Item(name : 'Cloak of invisibility', value : 500)
  // access the state using properties
println "Item cloak: ${} has value ${sword.value}."
  // access the state using getters
println "Item cloak: ${cloak.getName()} has value ${cloak.getValue()}."
  // modify the state using a property
sword.value = sword.value - 100
println "Item sword: ${sword.getName()} now has value ${sword.getValue()}."
  // modify the state using a setter
cloak.setValue(cloak.getValue() + 100)
println "Item cloak: ${cloak.getName()} now has value ${cloak.value}."

We noted that the Groovy class corresponds to the equivalent Java class1). This means that the getter and setter methods that are needed in Java to access the private instance fields, can also be used to access the properties of s Groovy class. In fact, we can mix and match their usage as shown in this example.

Output is:

Item cloak: Magical sword has value 1000.
Item cloak: Cloak of invisibility has value 500.
Item sword: Magical sword now has value 900.
Item cloak: Cloak of invisibility now has value 600.

Class methods

3| Example 4: Class methods (at-m42/Examples/lecture07/example4.groovy)
class Item {
    def name  // name of the item
    def value // value of the item in game points
    def increaseValue(amount) {
        value += amount
    def reduceValue(amount) {
        if (value >= amount) { // only if result won't be negative
            value -= amount
    def display() {
        println "Item: ${name} has value ${value}"

Class methods (continued)

23 | Example 4: Class methods (at-m42/Examples/lecture07/example4.groovy)
    // Create a new instance
def sword = new Item(name : 'Magical sword', value : 1000)
   // raise value
  // other transactions
sword.reduceValue(800)    // value now 400
sword.reduceValue(500)    // value remains unchanged at 400

Although property-only class have their uses (for example to represent the equivalent of C's struct, the real power of classes is only revealed when classes also have methods through which the state can be accessed and modified. In an adventure game, we might wish for the value of an item to be increased or decreased (for example when bought and sold). We can provide this behaviour by introducing methods increasevalue and reduceValue for this purpose. Additionally, we can add a method to display the state of the object. These methods have been added in Example 4, and they are exercised in lines 24–34.

The output is:

Item: Magical sword has value 1000
Item: Magical sword has value 1200
Item: Magical sword has value 400

List of items

3 | Example 5: List of items (at-m42/Examples/lecture07/example5.groovy)
class Item {
    def name  // name of the item
    def value // value of the item in game points
    def increaseValue(amount) {
        value += amount
    def reduceValue(amount) {
        if (value >= amount) { // only if result won't be negative
            value -= amount
    String toString() { // redefines Object.toString()
        return "Item: ${name} has value ${value}"

As an Item is an Object, instances of the Item class can be used as elements of a List. In this version we have replaced the display method with one with signature string toString(). This method returns a description of the the object as a String.

List of items (continued)

23 | Example 5: List of items (at-m42/Examples/lecture07/example5.groovy)
    // Create some instances
def sword = new Item(name : 'Magical sword', value : 1000)
def cloak = new Item(name : 'Cloak of invisibility', value : 500)
def amulet = new Item(name : 'Amulet of protection', value : 700)
   // populate a list with the instances
def items = [sword, cloak, amulet]
   // now display each
items.each { item ->
    println item.toString()

Now we create three instances of the Item class, place them in a List, then display each by calling println item.toString() inside a the closure of an each method.

The output is:

Item: Magical sword has value 1000
Item: Cloak of invisibility has value 500
Item: Amulet of protection has value 700

Redefining the toString method

23 | Example 6: Redefining the toString method (at-m42/Examples/lecture07/example6.groovy)
    // Populate a list with the instances
def items = [new Item(name : 'Magical sword', value : 1000),
             new Item(name : 'Cloak of invisibility', value : 500),
             new Item(name : 'Amulet of protection', value : 700)]
   // now display each
items.each { item ->
    println item // automatically calls toString

By defining the toString method, we actually have a display method that can be called simply by passing a reference to the object to a print statement. in this situation. Groovy will automatically call toString in this context. Technically, we say we have overridden the default definition of toString (actually String Object.toString()) to be one that is more appropriate for displaying objects of the item Class. In Example 6, the code for which is partially included in this slide, we demonstarte this behaviour.

The output is the same as before, but the code is much simpler.

A constructor method

3 | Example 7: A constructor method (at-m42/Examples/lecture07/example7.groovy)
class Item {
    def Item(name, value) { // constructor method = name
        this.value = value
    def increaseValue(amount) { ... }
    def reduceValue(amount) { ... }
    String toString() { ... }
    def name  // name of the item
    def value // value of the item in game points

The equivalent Java declaration for the Item class would normally include one or more /constructor methods for the initialization of objects of the class. We have not had to do this with our Groovy calsses, choosing instead to use named parameters with the new operator. We can, however, use explicit constructor methods in our Groovy classes. Where we explicitly provide one. we would normally expect a class declaration to include a parameterized constructor for the proper initialization of the class. This is demonstrated in Example 7.

Note how the constructor method is defined. The formal parameters have been give the same name as the properties. To disambiguate these in the method body we have used the this keyword to prefix the property. Hence, the statement = name is interpreted to mean “assign the name property of this object, the value of (the parameter) name.

A constructor method (continued)

29 | Example 7: A constructor method (at-m42/Examples/lecture07/example7.groovy)
    // Populate a list with the instances
def items = [new Item('Magical sword', 1000),
             new Item('Cloak of invisibility', 500),
             new Item('Amulet of protection', 700)]
   // now display each
items.each { item ->
    println item // automatically calls toString
//def grail = new Item(name : 'Holy Grail', value : 10000) // no matching constructor

Observe how we now create instances of this class. We invoke the constructor, passing two actual parameters for the item name and value. This time they are positional parameters. Note also the last line of the program (line 39). this is commented out. When a Groovy class includes a user defined constructor, the auto generated default constructor is no longer produced. Statement (line 39) tries to create a new Item object in the familiar way. But as this requires the default constructor, which has not been generated for us, an error is reported stating that no matching constructor was available (remove the comment ant try it for yourself).

A final comment to make about this version of the Item class is that the properties have been declared at the end of the class definition (lines 24 and 25). This is perfectly acceptable as neither Groovy nor Java require that all variables be defined above the methods in which they are used. A stylistic reason for defining properties at the end of a class is that the services provided by the class will be more visible to the reader of the code than the details of the implementation.

Output is:

Item: Magical sword has value 1000
Item: Cloak of invisibility has value 500
Item: Amulet of protection has value 700 

We have preferred to use the named parameter scheme when creating an instance of an object with the new keyword. It is worth discussing how they actually work. The declaration of class properties in Groovy result in automatically generated getter and setter methods. Further, when no constructor is declared, the compiler will create a default constrictor:

Item() {

Object creation with:

def sword = new Item(name : 'Magical sword', value : 1000)

is equivalent to the following:

def sword = new Item() // default constructor: ''name = null; value = null;''
sword.setName('Magical sword')


Modelling a Game application using object composition with a one to many relationship.

Class diagram

Examples 5 and 6 have shown how Item objects can be elements in a collection. we might use this technique to model an adventure game application in which items are added to the game and transactions are made on these items through the game. The architecture for this application is described by a one-to-many relationship: one game is associated with many accounts. This relationship is readily handled by a List or a Map collection. Since most of the methods will need to identify a particular item according to its name, we choose to use a Map with the item name as the key and the Item object as tjhe value. A simple map for two items is:

 'sword'  : new Item(name : 'sword', value : 100), 
 'amulet' : new Item(name : 'amulet', value : 50)

where we use the constructor syntax new Item(name : 'sword', value : 100) to create a new Item object.

This problem is modelled with the class diagram shown in the slide. A composite aggregation relationship is defined between the Game and Item class. The multiplicity operator * shows that a single Game object is made up of zero or more Item objects. Further the role accounts is how a Game refers to the many Items. The role name is realized as a property of the Game class.

Game class in outline

1 | The Game class: method signatures and properties (at-m42/Examples/lecture07/Game.groovy)
class Game {
    void createItem(String name, Integer value, String description = '') { ... }    
    void increaseValueOfItem(String name, Integer amount) { ... }
    void decreaseValueOfItem(String name, Integer amount) { ... }
    Integer getValueOfItem(String name) { ... }
    Integer getTotalValueOfItems() { ... }
    Item findItem(name) { ... }
    def name             // name of game
    def items = [ : ]    // items in the game

Full source code in the notes and available for download.

In our application, we wish to be able to create new items through the game, increase and decrease the value of particular items, obtain the value of a particular value, and obtain the total value of all items in the game (the sum of the values of all the items in the game). The solution for this application is outlined in this and the following slides.

Here we outline the Game class. In the slide we show just the method signatures and the properties. Below, a listing of the file Game.groovy is given in full. Note that the Game class initializes the items property to be an empty Map. Method createItem adds a new Item to the Map using name as the key and the item itself as the value. The item has an optional description property (see next slide) and this is supported in the Game class by use of the named formal parameter. If only two arguments are provided, e.g. createItem('An item', 50) description will have the empty String ''. If three arguments are used as in createItem('another item', 200, 'A really nice item'), then the description will have a non-empty value.

1 | The Game class (at-m42/Examples/lecture07/Game.groovy)

Although it is not strictly necessary, we have chosen to define the actual type of the methods and their formal parameters. The methods createItem, increaseValueOfItem, decreaseValueOfItem are declared to be type void because they do not return anything. The other methods have types corresponding to the expected return types: Integer for getValueOfItem and getTotalValueOfItems, and Item for findItem. As in the previous examples seen so far, we could have used the generic type definition def, but as Game is a reusable class definition, explicit declaration of method types provides better end-user documentation. Also, having given types to the formal parameters of the methods means that Groovy can enforce these types at run time and that provides a little more run-time stability.

Item class in outline

#3-27 groovy | The Item class: method signatures and properties (at-m42/Examples/lecture07/Item.groovy)
class Item {
    void increaseValue(Integer amount) { ... }
    void reduceValue(Integer amount) { ... }
    String toString() { ... }
    Boolean hasDescription() { .... }
    def name  // name of the item
    def value // value of the item in game points
    def description = '' // a description of the item

Full source code in the notes and available for download.

The Item class is largely the same as the version seen before in this lecture. However, we have added an extra (optional) property description, which can be used to give some explanatory text to describe the item and any special properties it might have in the game. The default value of description is set to the empty String2). We have a query method Boolean hasDescription() which returns true if the value of description has been set, e.g. by the default contructor, use of the setDescription method, or by the Game createItem method.

1 | Class Item in full

Class composition

3 | Example 8: Class composition (at-m42/Examples/lecture07/example8.groovy)
  // create game
def atM42 = new Game(name : 'Client Server Programming on the Java Platform')
 // add items
atM42.createItem('labwork', 20, 'Exercises in programming')
atM42.createItem('seminar', 30, 'Latest research in enterprise computing')
atM42.createItem('project', 50)

Class composition (continued)

10 | Example 8: Class composition (at-at-m42/Examples/lecture07/example8.groovy)
def project = atM42.findItem('project')
project.description = """
A development project involving the creation of a simple
adventure game in Grails"""
  // adjust "grades" for items
atM42.increaseValueOfItem('labwork', 10) // now 30
atM42.decreaseValueOfItem('project', 10) // now 40
atM42.decreaseValueOfItem('project', 50) // remains at 40

Class composition (continued)

20 | Example 8: Class composition (at-at-m42/Examples/lecture07/example8.groovy)
  // display details of the project item
println "Value of project is: ${atM42.getValueOfItem('project')}"
println "Project description: ${project}"
println "${project.description}"
  // calculate total value of items
println "Total value of items: ${atM42.getTotalValueOfItems()}"


Value of project is: 40
Project description: Item: project has value 40

A development project involving the creation of a simple
adventure game in Grails
Total value of items: 100


We now introduce the inheritance relationship relationship that may exist between classes. it is widely used in object-oriented relationships and brings to our designs and programs a powerful feature unique to object orientation.

Inheritance (also known as specialization) is a way to form new classes from classes that have already been defined. The former, known as derived classes, inherit properties and behaviours of the latter, which are referred to as base classes. The terms parent class and child class as well as superclass and subclass are also used in this context. Inheritance is intended to help reuse existing code with little of no modification.

Inheritance is also called generalization. For instance, an item in a game is a generalization of heavy items and magical items. We say that “item” is a generalization is an abstraction of heavy item, magical item, and so on. Conversely, we can say that because heavy items are items, that is they inherit all the properties common to all items, such as the item name, description and value.

Adding inheritance

Consider a game in which players can carry items that have weight. Each item has a name, a value, an optional description and a weight. A possible implementation is shown on the next slide.

A Weighty Item

3 | Example 9: A weighty item (at-m42/Examples/lecture07/example9.groovy)
class WeightyItem {
    String toString() {
        return "WeightyItem: ${name}; value: ${value}; weight: ${weight}"
// ---- properties -------------------------
    def name
    def value
    def description = ''
    def weight = 0

A Weighty Item (continued)

17 | Example 9: A weighty item (at-m42/Examples/lecture07/example9.groovy)
  // populate a list with weighty items
def items = [new WeightyItem(name : 'Magical sword', value : 1000, weight : 10),
             new WeightyItem(name : 'Cloak of invisibility', value : 500)]
items.each { item ->
    println item

When we execute this program, the output is as we expect. The two WeightyItems in the the List variable items are printed using the definition of the toString method:

WeightyItem: Magical sword; value: 1000; weight: 10
WeightyItem: Cloak of invisibility; value: 500; weight: 0

Although there is nothing intrinsically wrong with this class, we can improve it significantly. For example, our game may also offer magical items to its players. If a game has this new type of item, then we also need a MagicalItem class. MagicalItems are also given a name, description and value, but no weight. MagicalItem however have potency. Both these types of item share some common characteristics, while each has additional properties.

Inheritance Illustrated


We can think of WeightyItem and a MagicalItem as special types of Item. The Item class has the features common to both the WeightyItem and MagicalItem class, namely the name, value and description. The WeightyItem class is then related to the Item class by inheritance. The MagicalItem is also related to Item by inheritance. The Item us usually referred to as the superclass and the WeightyItem and MagicalItem) are referred to as the subclass.

The class diagram shown on this slide is used to denote this arrangement of classes. An inheritance relation (directed arrow) relates the subclass WeightyItem and MagicalItem to the superclass Item.

Class inheritance

1 | Example 10: Class inheritance (at-m42/Examples/lecture07/Item.groovy)
class Item {
    void increaseValue(Integer amount) { ... }
    void reduceValue(Integer amount) { ... }
    String toString() { ... }
	Boolean hasDescription() { ... }
    def name  // name of the item
    def value // value of the item in game points
    def description = '' // a description of the item

Class inheritance (continued)

Example 10: Class inheritance (at-m42/Examples/lecture07/Example10.groovy)
class WeightyItem extends Item {
    String toString() {
        return 'WeightyItem: ' + super.toString() + "; weight: ${weight}"
// ---- properties -------------------------
    def weight = 0

The Groovy reserved word extends specifies that a class inherits from another class. This leads to the code shown in this slide …

Class inheritance (continued)

| Example 10: Class inheritance (at-m42/Examples/lecture07/Example10.groovy)
  // populate a list with weighty items
def items = [new WeightyItem(name : 'Magical sword', value : 1000, weight : 10),
             new WeightyItem(name : 'Cloak of invisibility', value : 500),
             new Item(name : 'Magic Amulet', value : 700) ]
items.each { item ->
    println item

Executing this program produces the output:

WeightyItem: Magical sword; value: 1000; weight: 10
WeightyItem: Cloak of invisibility; value: 500; weight: 0
Item: Magic Amulet has value 700

Here we see that the last line differs from the first two. This is because the final object in the items variable is an Item object while the other two are WeightyItem objects. Since the last item in the List is an Item object, the implementation of the method toString in the Item class is responsible for what is displayed. The same message toString is also sent to the two WeightyItem objects. However, in this class toString has been redefined and is the reason for the first two lines of output.

The WeightyItem class now has only those features that are special to it. Similarly, the Item class now has only those those relevant to accounts. This makes the WeightyItem class much easier to develop. It is important to realize that the Item class can be reused in this application or any other. Later we shall do exactly this and inherit MagicalItem from it.

Note how the method toString is redefined in the subclass WeightyItem. The behaviour we require from it is the superclass Item. Hence the definition in WeightyItem calls the method defined in the superclass with the expression super.toString(). The keyword super ensures that we invoke the method in the superclass. Without this keyword, the method toString would recursively call itself.

Inherited Methods

Inherited features (see notes for listing)

1 | Example 11: Inherited featurese (at-m42/Examples/lecture07/example11.groovy)

Running this program, delivers the output shown below. The first three lines where described in the previous example. Line 4 is the weight from the object wine. Because wine is an object of the class WeightyObject then the method getWeight is defined in its own class. The fifth line is the result of sending the message getName to the same weightyItem object. Since this class does not define this method, the system executes the inherited method from the superclass Item.


WeightyItem: Item: Magical sword has value 1000; weight: 10
WeightyItem: Item: Cloak of invisibility has value 500; weight: 0
Item: Magic Amulet has value 700
Weight: 2
Name: A Flagon of Wine
Name: A Magic Spell

Take note of the lines of code near the end of the listing (lines 26-31) in which the WeightyItem object wine is created, and then the properties weight and name are accessed. The weight property, is of course, defined in the WeightyItem class itself. However, the name property is inherited from the Item class. The remaining three lines in the code show that an Item can be asked for its name (defined in the Item class), but we cannot reference the weight for an Item object because there is no such property defined in that class.

Redefined methods

String toString() {
    return 'WeightyItem: ' + super.toString() + "; weight: ${weight}"

In Groovy, all features defined in a superclass are inherited by the subclass. This means that if the WeightyItem class did not define the toString method, then the one defined in the Item would be inherited and used by all WeightyItem objects. However, in Groovy, a method inherited by a subclass can be redefined (also called overridden) to have a different behaviour. an obvious strategy is for the toString method required in the WeaightyItem class to make use of the toString method in the Item superclass and to augment it with additional logic. Looking at Example 11, we see that the toString method in WeightyItem as shown in this slide.

Again notice the use of the reserved keyword super. This time it is used to ensure that the toString method defined in its superclass is called to get part of the String returned by this WeightyItem method.


The polymorphic effect

def items = [new WeightyItem(name : 'Magical sword', value : 1000, weight : 10),
             new WeightyItem(name : 'Cloak of invisibility', value : 500),
             new Item(name : 'Magic Amulet', value : 700) ]
items.each { item ->
    println item    // automatically call toString


WeightyItem: Item: Magical sword has value 1000; weight: 10
WeightyItem: Item: Cloak of invisibility has value 500; weight: 0
Item: Magic Amulet has value 700

The print statement sends each item object the toString method (implicitly). The first item taken from the list is a WeightyItem object and this produces the first output line. This, of course, is produced by the method toString defined in the WeightyItem class. The first two lines or output are, however, different from the first even when the same message is being sent. This is a consequence of the recipients being WeightyItem objects for which the method toString has been redefined in the WeightyItem subclass.

Game application

Game application

This is implemented in Game.groovy and Example 12 (full listing in notes)

The full extent of this polymorphic effect is present in Example 12. This application is concerned with modelling a Game shown by the class diagram in this slide.

The Items comprise either WeightyItems or MagicalItems. Methods are provided to add new items to the game and to obtain a report on the Game and its items.

1 | Example 12: The game class (at-m42/Examples/lecture07/Game.groovy)
1 | Example 12: The game again (at-m42/Examples/lecture07/example12.groovy)

The output from this program is:

Game: Lord of the Rings
MagicalItem: Item: The One Ring has value 1000; potency: 500.
WeightyItem: Item: Rations has value 10; weight: 20.
Item: clay pipe has value 0
This pipe is excellent for smoking a good tobacco.

Present in this example is the principle of substitution. This states that where in our code an object of the superclass is expected, an object of a subclass can be used. Method addItem has a single parameter representing some kind of Item object. In the application code, we send this method to the Game object lotr with WeightyItem and MagicalItem objects. This is permissible, since the substitution principle ensures that when a superclass Item object is expected, then only methods of the class will be used on the parameter. Because the subclass objects automatically inherit the behaviour, correct operation is guaranteed.

Finally, we should point out that since the Game is a domain model class, then we choose not to include any display methods for the reasons given in Case study 3.

Abstract class

Item as an abstract class

Abstract class

Let us assume that an Item will never actually be used, but only WeightyItem or MagicalItem objects will appear in the Game. We intend that all items of the game share common features such as name, description and value. Therefore we decide that Item is stereotypical of an abstract class. In the class diagram shown on this slide the Item class name has been shown in italics to emphasize that it is abstract.

No instances of an abstact class

abstract class Item {
    String toString() { ... }
    Boolean hasDescription() { ... }
    def name  // name of the item
    def value // value of the item in game points
    def description = '' // a description of the item
class WeightyItem extends Item { ... }
class MagicalItem extends Item { ... }

Full source code in the notes.

We specify that a class is abstract with the keyword abstract, as shown for the Item class shown in Example 13. Otherwise, the remainder of the class and its subclasses remain the same. The key observation is that Groovy supports the notion that there is never any intention of creating instances of an abstract class.

1 | Example 13: Abstract classes (at-m42/Examples/lecture07/example13.groovy)

The program delivers the same output as Example 12. The final line of coding in Example 13 confirms that it is not permitted to create instances of the abstract class Item.

Abstract methods

// class Item
Boolean abstract canCarry(Player player)  // deferred method

Source code for Example 14 (listing in the notes)

It is common for an abstract class to include a deferred method, that is one that for which no method definition is given. This usually arises because the class is too abstract to determine how the method should be implemented. The inclusion of a deferred method in an abstract class infers that the subclasses must provide an implementation if they are to represent concrete classes from which instances can be created. in effect, the inclusion of a deferred method imposes a protocol on subclasses that must be respected if a concrete class is required. A deferred method in Groovy is known as an abstract method and is qualified with the abstract keyword. In Example 14, the abstract Item class includes an abstract method entitled canCarry with the declaration shown in this slide.

1 | Example 14: Abstract methods (at-m42/Examples/lecture07/example14.groovy)

The output is:

Game: Lord of the Rings
MagicalItem: Item: The One Ring has value 1000; potency: 500.
WeightyItem: Item: Rations has value 10; weight: 20.
WeightyItem: Item: Elvish Dagger has value 50; weight: 2.
Can Frodo Baggins carry The One Ring?: false
Can Frodo Baggins carry Rations?: false
Can Frodo Baggins carry Elvish Dagger?: true

Observe the definitions for the method canCarry in both the WeightyItem and the MagicalItem classes. Both take a Player argument: a WeightyItem can be carried by the player if the weight is less than the player's strength; a MagicalItem can be carried if the player's power is sufficiently great.

Interface Class

Interface class

It is possible to have an abstract class in which none of the methods has been defined. They are all deferred to a subclass for their implementation. Such a class is referred to as an interface class. Since no method is actually defined, an interface presents only a specification of its behaviours. An interface proves extremely useful, acting as the protocol to which one or more subclasses must conform, that is, provide definitions for all its methods.

Groovy supports the concept of an interface class with the keyword interface. although it is similar to an abstract class with no defined methods, it is important to realize that it is different in one important respect. It is that a class that implements the interface, that is, one that provides methods for its deferred operations, need not belong to the same class hierarchy. Although they may implement other methods and have different parents, if they implement those operations advertised by the interface they can substitute for it. This simple fact makes the interface an extremely powerful facility that gives the designer more flexibility than the abstract class allows.

Consider the game and its items. We insist that we must be able to ask any item wither it can be carried by a player. Clearly, the class to which an item belongs must have implementations for the canCarry method. However, there is no requirement that each class is part of the same inheritance hierarchy. This is an important point that makes a critical difference to our design. All that matters is that the game is abel to send the message cancCarry to each of its items. It may be possible to send other messages, but to be an item in the Game on;y the canCarry operation is required.

We can model this situation with a Groovy interface as shown in this slide. In UML, interfaces are shown as small circles. The dashed inheritance arrow connecting AbstractItem to the Portable interface denotes that (abstrac) class AbstractItem implements the Portable interface.

Portable interface

interface Portable {
    Boolean abstract canCarry(Player player) 
abstract class AbstractItem implements Portable { ... }
class WeightyItem extends AbstractItem { ... }
class MagicalItem extends AbstractItem { ... }

Full listing for Example 15 is given in the notes.

The implementation for this is give in Example 15, where Portable is introduced as a an interface class. An interface declares, but does not define, one or more abstract methods. The abstract class AbstractItem conforms to the protocol since it implements the Portable interface. Notice that AbstractItem offers a simple implementation for the canCarry method. We must explicitly redefine it in the WeightyItem and MigicalItem classes (note we use the superclass definitions in both!). <code groovy 1 | Example 15: The interface calls (at-m42/Examples/lecture07/example15.groovy)> extern> </code> —- Output: Game: Lord of the Rings =========================== MagicalItem: Item: The One Ring has value 1000; potency: 500. WeightyItem: Item: Rations has value 10; weight: 20. WeightyItem: Item: Elvish Dagger has value 50; weight: 2. Can Frodo Baggins carry The One Ring?: false Can Frodo Baggins carry Rations?: false Can Frodo Baggins carry Elvish Dagger?: false ===== Case Study ===== Case Study 3 further illustrates the use of classes and objects while continuing the development of the adventure game application. You should read through the case study and examine the source code provided in preparation for the Mini Project. Inheritance will be examined further (along with Unit Testing) in Case Study 4. ===== Summary of this Lecture ==== The …. * Classes * Inheritance * Case Study 3 ===== Lab Exercises ===== * Lab 2 all exercises from Part 1 and Part 2 . —- Home | Previous Lecture | Lectures | Next Lecture

in fact compiled Groovy classes are indistinguishable from compiled Java classes, which is why we can call use all the classes from the Java API from Groovy
If we had declared it as def description then the default value would have been null