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eg-259:ch15 [2013/03/05 19:41] – [Initialize View] eechriseg-259:ch15 [2013/03/05 20:42] – [Homework Exercises] eechris
Line 352: Line 352:
 Here, we add a ''ListView'', based on an unordered-list, for the display of list items. Here, we add a ''ListView'', based on an unordered-list, for the display of list items.
-===== Initialize View =====+===== Views can render other views =====
 <code javascript> <code javascript>
-initialize: function () { +    HomeView = Backbone.View.extend({ 
-  this.$el.empty(); +        el: 'body', 
-  this.render(); +        initialize: function () { 
-},+            this.render(); 
 +        }, 
 +        render: function () { 
 +            this.$el.empty(); 
 +            this.$el.append("<h1>My Project App</h1>"); 
 +            this.listView = new ListView(); 
 +            this.$el.append(this.listView.render().el); 
 +            return this; 
 +        } 
 +    });
 </code> </code>
-[[|jsFiddle]] - [[http://localhost:4567/backbonejs-hands-on/code/03-view-03/index.html|03-view-03]]+[[|jsFiddle]] - [[http://localhost:4567/backbonejs-hands-on/code/03-view-07/index.html|03-view-07]]
 ---- ----
-The ''initialize'' method is called once when a new view is instantiated. Here it empties the div and then calls the ''render'' function.+Here the home view has been extended and is being used to render the list view inside its own render method. You could render a whole tree of HTML elements in the same way. 
 +===== Templates =====
-===== Initialize View =====+  * Templates extend the power of views by allowing arbitrary pieces of HTML to be stored and rendered at run time by the interpolation of simple fragments of JavaScript. 
 +  * There are several JavaScript templating libraries and Backbone is agnostic about which is used. 
 +  * The default in Backbone is underscore template: ''_.template''.
-<code javascript> +---- 
-initializefunction () { + 
-  this.$el.empty(); +A brief list would include
-  this.render(); +  * Moustache 
-}, +  * Handlebars 
-</code>+  * Jade 
 +  * EJS 
 +Use Google to find out more
 +===== A Simple Template =====
-[[|jsFiddle]] [[http://localhost:4567/backbonejs-hands-on/code/03-view-03/index.html|03-view-03]]+In the HTML: 
 +<code html> 
 +<!-- undescore template ... compiles body then interpolates value at call time --> 
 +<script type="text/template" id="item-container"> 
 +  <li><%= value %></li> 
 ---- ----
-The ''initialize'' method is called once when a new view is instantiatedHere it empties the div and then calls the ''render'' function.+Here we use a script with type of ''text/template''The browser will ignore this, as the script is not JavaScript, but the browser will still build a script DOM element and Backbone can retrieve its content later by grabbing the content of the ''$(#item-container')'' element. Ember.js has a very similar approach, albeit with a different templating engine.
 +The template syntax is very simple: anything between ''<%= ... %>'' is considered to be an expression to be output. The content can be any JavaScript statement that returns a value. Another tag pair ''<% ... %>'' can be used to encapsulate any JavaScript code, e.g. a loop, that doesn't output a value. Te syntax is very similar to the syntax used in server-side templating languages like PHP!
-===== Define Model =====+===== Rendering a Template =====
 <code javascript> <code javascript>
-(function ($) {+ListView = Backbone.View.extend(
 + : 
 + initialize: function () { 
 +   this.template = _.template($('#item-container').html()); 
 + },
-    Project = Backbone.Model.extend({});+ render: function () { 
 +    this.$el.empty(); 
 +    this.$el.append("<li>Hello</li>"); 
 +    : 
 +    this.$el.append(this.template({value: "Hello Backbone"})); 
 +    return this; 
 + } 
-    firstProject = new Project({ 
-        title: 'Project 1' 
-    }); 
-[[|jsFiddle]] - [[http://localhost:4567/backbonejs-hands-on/code/01-model-10/index.html|01-model-01]]+[[http://localhost:4567/backbonejs-hands-on/code/04-template-01/index.html|04-template-01]] 
-===== Define Model =====+Here the HTML from the script tag with id ''item-container'' is passed to the template function 
 +''_.template'' where it is "compiled" into a DOM object witha place-holder for a //value//. Later, when the render function appends the template to the DOM, the value is passed as an argument to the template and it will then be output into the document. 
 +This simple idea is remarkably powerful and is used in many popular server- and client-side web development frameworks. 
 +===== A Second Example =====
 <code javascript> <code javascript>
-(function ($) {+        render: function () { 
 +            var el = this.$el, 
 +                template = this.template;
-    Project = Backbone.Model.extend({});+            el.empty();
-    firstProject = new Project({ +            projects.each(function (project) 
-        title: 'Project 1' +                el.append(template(project.toJSON())); 
-    });+            });
-})(jQuery);+            return this; 
 +        }
 </code> </code>
-[[|jsFiddle]] - [[http://localhost:4567/backbonejs-hands-on/code/01-model-10/index.html|01-model-01]]+[[http://localhost:4567/backbonejs-hands-on/code/04-template-02/index.html|04-template-02]] 
-===== Define Model =====+Here we use a similar template, this time outputting HTML view prepresenting each project in the collection.
-<code javascript> 
-(function ($) { 
-    Project Backbone.Model.extend({});+===== Router =====
-    firstProject = new Project({ +Here we have a more complex example using three templates: 
-        title: 'Project 1' +  * One for the Project list 
-    });+  * One for the project detail -- including a form for editing the title of the selected project 
 +  * One to render the list items themselves. 
 +Here is the code
-})(jQuery);+===== App Router ===== 
 +<code javascript> 
 +    AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({ 
 +        routes: { 
 +            "": "home", 
 +            "add": "add", 
 +            "close": "home", 
 +        }
 +        home: function (
 +            console.log('home'); 
 +            new HomeView(); 
 +        }, 
 +        add: function () { 
 +            console.log('add'); 
 +            new AddView(); 
 +        } 
 +    });
 </code> </code>
-[[|jsFiddle]] [[http://localhost:4567/backbonejs-hands-on/code/01-model-10/index.html|01-model-01]]+----
-===== Define Model =====+The purpose of the router is to define some "URL"s that the client will use to navigate around the application. These are simply strings that map a URL to a method. In this example, they map the client-side URLs ''#'', ''#add'' and ''#close'' to the methods ''home'', ''add'' and ''home'' respectively. These methods in turn will create, dynamically, a //home view// and an //add view// which will respectively display the list of projects and allow a project to be added. 
 +===== Router Initialisation =====
 <code javascript> <code javascript>
-(function ($) {+$(document).ready(function () { 
 +    projectApp = new AppRouter(); 
 +    Backbone.history.start(); 
-    Project = Backbone.Model.extend({});+----
-    firstProject = new Project({ +Here we create a new object representing the whole application as an ''AppRouter'', which itself is defined as an instance of ''Backbone.Router''. We also call ''Backbone.history.start();'' which enables the browser to record the client-side state as URLs that can be retrieved as bookmarks or using the back button.
-        title: 'Project 1' +
-    });+
-})(jQuery); +===== Events =====
-[[|jsFiddle]] - [[http://localhost:4567/backbonejs-hands-on/code/01-model-10/index.html|01-model-01]]+In the second router example [[http://localhost:4567/backbonejs-hands-on/code/05-router-02/index.html|05-router-02]] we add two event listeners to the ''AddView'' so that both the //add// button and pressing //enter// in the text field will cause an event that will trigger the invocation of the ''add'' method that will eventually cause a new project to be added to the collection.
-===== Define Model =====+===== Views Listening to Events =====
-<code javascript> +In the final iteration [[http://localhost:4567/backbonejs-hands-on/code/05-router-03/index.html|05-router-03]], we add the new project to the project collection and also register an event listener on the ''ListView'' so that when a new project is added, a change event is fired and the whole list is redrawn.
-(function ($) {+
-    Project = Backbone.Model.extend({}); 
-    firstProject = new Project({ 
-        title: 'Project 1' 
-    }); 
-})(jQuery)+===== Complete CRUD App (in-memory storage===== 
-[[|jsFiddle]] - [[http://localhost:4567/backbonejs-hands-on/code/01-model-10/index.html|01-model-01]]+  * This final version of the app includes a facility for showing existing projects and allowing their titles to be edited. 
 +  * The app now has an ''UpdateView'' which supports the editing feature and the list items now include an id in the URL that allows a particular project to be selected for editing. 
 +  * View the code for insight into how this works
-===== Application Router =====  +[[http://localhost:4567/backbonejs-hands-on/app/index.html|app/index.html]]
-===== Events =====  +
-===== Complete CRUD App (in-memory storage) ===== +
 ===== Summary of this Session ===== ===== Summary of this Session =====
Line 476: Line 532:
   * [[eg-259:ch15#Events|Events]]   * [[eg-259:ch15#Events|Events]]
   * [[eg-259:ch15#Complete CRUD App (in-memory storage)|Complete CRUD App (in-memory storage)]]   * [[eg-259:ch15#Complete CRUD App (in-memory storage)|Complete CRUD App (in-memory storage)]]
-===== Homework Exercises ===== 
-  - Come up with something 
eg-259/ch15.txt · Last modified: 2013/03/05 20:44 by eechris