====== Network Configuration: Results ====== ^EG-253^Practical Internet Technology II ^ |**Name** |Anton Babentsov | |**Student Number** |529673 | |**Date of Submission** |10th December 2009 | ===== Instructions ===== This wiki page allows you to record the results of your network configuration exercise. You may need to refer to the configuration handout to complete this document. **Answer** all questions based on the host that you are configuring in the lab. Edit this wiki page directly to insert your answers. You will probably find this most convenient to do at the same time as you perform the configuration. Where requested, please include listings of the actual configuration files and command outputs directly in the document. Placeholders have been provided for this purpose. Please follow the formatting hints given in the text. When the exercise is complete you should [[#signature|sign]] and submit it in for marking. Deadline for completion is the start of the lab on the last week of this term. This exercise is worth 20% of the module marks. ===== Host Configuration ===== ==== Question 1 ==== Which Linux command gives you information about your computer's name on the network? **Answer** (//delete as appropriate//): hostname ==== Question 2 ==== Use the command selected in [[#question_1|Question 1]] to determine your host computer's name? What is the name? **Answer**: callisto ==== Question 3 ==== Which configuration file would you need to edit to change your computer's name on the network? Your answer (//one of//): /etc/hostname ==== Question 4 ==== Which linux command gives you information on your host's network settings? **Answer** //one of//: ifconfig ==== Question 5 ==== Use the command selected in [[#question_4|Question 4]] to complete the following table: ^ Feature ^ Value ^ | My host's IP address | | | My network's IP address | | | The address used by my host to send an IP packet to all hosts on my network | | | The netmask of my host | | | The hardware address (MAC Address) of my LAN-facing network interface connection (NIC)((If your host has two or more network cards, the LAN-facing card will be the NIC assigned to your host's static IP address.)) | 00:10:5a:13:6f:ea | | The frame-level (layer 1) protocol is used to send network messages to the network from my host? | Ethernet | ==== Question 6 ==== How many hosts can the sub-net defined by your host's netmask support? **Answer** //one of//: 254 ==== Question 7 ==== What class of network is the //sub-net// to which your host has been assigned? **Answer** //one of//: Class C ===== Network Configuration ===== **Answer** the following questions about your network configuration. Please copy and paste the contents of the files identified in [[#question_8|Questions 8]] and [[#question_11|11]] to your submission. ==== Question 8 ==== In which file is the configuration of your Network Interface Controller (NIC) configured? **Answer** //one of//: /etc/network/interfaces Please include a listing of the file chosen in answer to [[#question_8|Question 8]]: auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address network netmask gateway auto lo iface lo inet loopback ==== Question 9 ==== What is the IP address of the host which serves as the default gateway for your network? **Answer**: ==== Question 10 ==== What is the hostname of the gateway interface? **Answer**: Solaris ==== Question 11 ==== In which file is the symbolic names of the networks, hosts and interfaces available on the network defined? **Answer** //one of//: /etc/hosts Please include a listing of the file chosen in answer to [[#question_11|Question 11]]: callisto localhost.localdomain localhost # /etc/hosts -- Hosts file for ICCT Private network # # IP FQDN aliases # localhost.localdomain localhost myhost # solaris.icct.co solaris inet-gateway venus.icct.com venus www # # Jupiter cluster # gw-jupiter.icct.com gw-planets jupiter-if1 jupiter.icct.com jupiter jupiter-if2 callisto.jupiter.icct.com callisto europa.jupiter.icct.com europa ganymede.jupiter.icct.com ganymede # # Saturn cluster # gw-saturn.icct.com gw-saturn saturn-if1 saturn.icct.com saturn saturn-if2 mimas.saturn.icct.com mimas titan.saturn.icct.com titan # # Add other hosts/clusters below here # (we'll use this to add virtual hosts to the web-server in a later # lab exercise) # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts ::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback fe00::0 ip6-localnet ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix ff02::1 ip6-allnodes ff02::2 ip6-allrouters ff02::3 ip6-allhosts ==== Question 12 ==== What is the symbolic name of your network's gateway interface? **Answer**: Jupiter ==== Question 13 ==== What is the purpose of the Gateway interface? **Answer**: The purpose of Gateway Interface is respond to request by returning output. Every time server receive a request, it analyse what request ask for and send back the output. ==== Question 14 ==== Which linux command shows the routing table for your host? **Answer**: route -n Run the command identified in [[#question_14|Question 14]] and reproduce its output here. **Answer** user@callisto:~$ route -n estination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface U 0 0 0 eth0 U 1000 0 0 eth0 UG 100 0 0 eth0 ==== Question 15 ==== How many interfaces (NICs) must a router have? **Answer** //one of//: 2 ==== Question 16 ==== Which system feature must be turned on if you want a Linux host to act as a router? IP forwarding ==== Question 17 ==== Which run-time command can be used to make a Ubuntu Linux host act as a router? icct@myhost:~$ sudo sh -c "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" ==== Question 18 ==== In which file is the setting defined in [[#question17|Question 17]] set if you want a Ubuntu host to be configured as a router at boot-time? **Answer**: # /etc/network/options **Answer** # /etc/network/options - for ICCT network # set ip_forward=yes if you need to set # up a machine with two network interface cards # as a router ip_forward=yes spoofprotect=yes syncookies=no ==== Question 19 ==== What setting has been added to the network configuration file to define a route to ''icct-net'' from your sub-network's cluster-server? **Answer**: # Interface in icct-net does the routing, # so needs to know about the rest of the network. auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask gateway # default for jupiter is solaris # route to saturn-net up route add -net netmask gw down route del -net netmask gw # Interface in jupiter-net is much simpler auto eth0 iface eth1 inet static address netmask ===== Checking Your Network ===== The Linux command ''netstat'' gives a lot of useful information on your network. In the following 3 questions, reproduce the output of various usages of netstat. You should annotate your results with a brief explanation of what they mean. You may need to print the output and attach to the submission. ==== Question 20 ==== Give and explain the output of the command ''netstat -r''. **Answer** user@host:~$ netstat -r Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface jupiter-net * U 0 0 0 eth0 link-local * U 0 0 0 eth0 default jupiter.icct.co UG 0 0 0 eth0 The command "netstat -r" displays kernal routing table. ==== Question 21 ==== Give and explain the output of the command ''netstat -i''. **Answer** # Paste result here.... Kernel Interface table Iface MTU Met RX-OK RX-ERR RX-DRP RX-OVR TX-OK TX-ERR TX-DRP TX-OVR Flg eth0 1500 0 3615 0 0 2 3024 0 0 0 BMRU lo 16436 0 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 LRU The command "netstat -i" displays statistic for the network interface, ==== Question 22 ==== Give and explain the output of the command ''netstat -ta''. **Answer** user@host:~$ netstat -ta Active Internet connections (servers and established) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State tcp 0 0 *:ssh *:* LISTEN tcp 0 0 callisto:ipp *:* LISTEN tcp 0 0 callisto.jupiter.:43527 ESTABLISHED tcp 0 0 callisto.jupiter.:59490 server77-68-39-12.l:www TIME_WAIT tcp 0 0 callisto.jupiter.:59491 server77-68-39-12.l:www TIME_WAIT tcp 0 0 callisto.jupiter.:59487 server77-68-39-12.l:www TIME_WAIT tcp 0 0 callisto.jupiter.:59488 server77-68-39-12.l:www TIME_WAIT tcp 0 0 callisto.jupiter.:59492 server77-68-39-12.l:www ESTABLISHED tcp 0 0 callisto.jupiter.:55382 wy-in-f139.1e100.ne:www ESTABLISHED tcp6 0 0 [::]:ssh [::]:* LISTEN tcp6 0 0 localhost:ipp [::]:* LISTEN Command netstat -ta displays active and passive sockets. ===== Testing the Connectivity of your network ===== Install, if necessary, the //traceroute// command then answer the following two questions. ==== Question 23 ==== Give the output of traceroute from your host to any host on one of the other ICCT networks. **Answer** icct@callisto:~$ traceroute -n traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets 1 0.082 ms 0.013 ms 0.012 ms ==== Question 24 ==== Give the output of ''traceroute'' from your host to ''www.swan.ac.uk'' **Answer** icct@callisto:~$ traceroute -n www.swan.ac.uk traceroute to www.swan.ac.uk (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets 1 0.206 ms 0.194 ms 0.151 Explain the result. ===== Extension Questions ===== ==== Question 25 ==== A new sub-network engineering-net ('''') is to be added to the ICCT network. Host engineering ('''') is a cluster server for this new network. Give the settings needed to set up this host as a router to ''icct-net'', ''jupiter-net'', and ''saturn-net'' and a gateway for ''engineering-net''. **Answer** ==== Question 26 ==== Which other files would you need to modify to correctly set up this new router? **Answer** ==== Question 27 ==== Summarize the changes that you would you need to make to your host's network configuration to have the new //engineering// sub-network recognized? **Answer** ==== Question 27 ==== Which other files would you need to modify to fully configure your host to recognizes the new engineering sub-network? **Answer** ===== Signature ===== I hereby submit this work for marking. Your signature here: