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Text, Images and Links

Contact Hour 14: To be discussed on Tuesday 13th March, 2012.

Lecturer: Dr Chris P. Jobling.

The contents of these notes and all the examples are from Castro and Hyslop, HTML5 and CSS3: Visual Quickstart Guide, 7th Ed., PeachPit Press, 2012.

These notes are incomplete and you are invited to contribute to them by getting an account on this wiki.

Text, Images and Links


All the Text Examples

All the examples to be explored in this session are from Chapter 4 of Castro and Hyslop:


  <h1>Antoni Gaudí</h1> 
  <p>Many tourists are drawn to Barcelona to see 
     Antoni Gaudí's incredible architecture.</p>
  <p>Barcelona celebrated the 150th anniversary 
     of Gaudí's birth in 2002.</p>



  • HTML doesn't recognize the returns or other extra whitespace that you enter in your text editor. To start a new paragraph in HTML you use the p element.
  • HTML requires the closing </p> tag.
  • You can use styles to format paragraphs with a particular font, size or colour.
  • Styles can also be used to control the amount of space around a paragraph.



The address element is used to mark up the contact information of the author, people or organisation responsible for creating the web page or an article within a page.


Figures and Time

Phrasing elements

  • Emphasis
    • Use the em element to add emphasis (usually displayed italic)
    • Use the strong element for strong emphasis (usually displayed bold)

Marking Important and Emphasized Text

Other Examples

More semantic elements

Other miscellaneous elements


All the Images Examples

All the examples to be explored in this session are from Chapter 5 of Castro and Hyslop:

All the examples to be explored in this session are from Chapter 6 of Castro and Hyslop:



Coming Next

eg-146/lecture14.1331488110.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/03/11 17:48 by eechris