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eg-146:lecture14 [2012/03/11 17:48] – [Other Examples] eechriseg-146:lecture14 [2012/03/13 13:44] – [Example] eechris
Line 20: Line 20:
   * [[#Images]]   * [[#Images]]
   * [[#Links]]   * [[#Links]]
 +  * [[#Example]]
 ===== Text ===== ===== Text =====
Line 27: Line 28:
   * [[#Figures and Time]] (New in HTML5)   * [[#Figures and Time]] (New in HTML5)
   * [[#Phrasing elements]]   * [[#Phrasing elements]]
-  * [[#More semantic elements]]+  * [[#Marking up Code, etc.]] 
 +  * [[#Fine print, line breaks and spans]]
   * [[#Other miscellaneous elements]]   * [[#Other miscellaneous elements]]
 ===== All the Text Examples ===== ===== All the Text Examples =====
Line 78: Line 79:
 [[|Marking Important and Emphasized Text]] [[|Marking Important and Emphasized Text]]
-===== Other Examples =====+===== Phrasing elements (2) =====
   * [[|Indicating a Citation or Reference]] -- ''cite''   * [[|Indicating a Citation or Reference]] -- ''cite''
Line 85: Line 86:
   * [[|Explaining abbreviations]] -- ''abbr''   * [[|Explaining abbreviations]] -- ''abbr''
   * [[|Defining a term]] -- ''defn''   * [[|Defining a term]] -- ''defn''
 +===== Phrasing elements (3) =====
   * [[|Creating subscripts and superscripts]] -- ''sub'' and ''sup''   * [[|Creating subscripts and superscripts]] -- ''sub'' and ''sup''
   * Noting edits and inaccurate text -- ''ins'' and ''del'':   * Noting edits and inaccurate text -- ''ins'' and ''del'':
Line 90: Line 92:
     * [[|Noting edits example 2]]     * [[|Noting edits example 2]]
     * [[|Noting inaccurate text]]     * [[|Noting inaccurate text]]
-===== More semantic elements =====+===== Marking up Code, etc. ===== 
 +  * [[|Marking up code]] -- ''code'' 
 +  * [[|Other computer and related elements]] -- ''kbd'', ''samp'' and ''var'' 
 +  * [[|Preformatted text]] -- ''pre'' 
 +<note tip> 
 +If you want to present HTML code in your code examples, you have to replace each ''<'' and ''>'' by ''&lt;'' and ''&gt;'' respectively. 
 +====== Fine print, line breaks and spans ===== 
 +  * [[|Fine print]] -- ''small'' 
 +  * [[|Line breaks]] -- ''br'' 
 +  * [[|Spans]] -- ''span'' 
 +Because they don't have any default styling, spans are usually used with ''class'' or ''id'' and CSS rules. 
 ===== Other miscellaneous elements ===== ===== Other miscellaneous elements =====
 +See pages 136--145 of Chapter 4. Of these, ''meter'' and ''progress'' are new elements added by HTML5.
 +  * [[|Meter element]]
 +  * [[|Progress element]]
 ===== Images ===== ===== Images =====
 +<code html>
 +<img src="images/image.url" alt="Alternative text -- displayed if image is not." />
 +  * Element is the image element ''img''
 +  * The ''src'' attribute is the source of the image -- A URL. The browser will issue an HTTP get request to obtain this.
 +  * If successful, the image replaces the element in the document.
 +  * The ''alt'' atribute is required for accessibility. 
 ===== All the Images Examples ===== ===== All the Images Examples =====
Line 102: Line 142:
 ===== Links ===== ===== Links =====
 +To another page:
 +<code html>
 +<a href="page2.html">Page 2</a>
 +* The element name ''a'' stands for anchor.
 +* The ''href'' attribute is the location of the resource -- A URL. Should be relative if page is in same web site as referring page (the full URL is computed by the Browser). When clicked, browser will issue an HTTP GET request.
 +==== Anchors =====
 +  * An //anchor// provides a place to link to within a page.
 +  * Any element with an ''id'' attribute can serve as an anchor.
 +  * You can also define your own anchors for an arbitrary location in a document: ''<a id="link-to-me">I am an anchor</a>''
 +  * To link to an anchor within the current page use: ''<a href="#link-to-me">Link to an anchor</a>''
 +  * To link to an anchor in another document use: ''<a href="page.html#link-to-me">To an interesting bit</a>'' of another page.
 ===== All the Links Examples ===== ===== All the Links Examples =====
Line 108: Line 168:
   * [[|Chapter 6 Links]]   * [[|Chapter 6 Links]]
 +===== Example =====
 +Markup a blog post and make a note of the tags you use.
 +The Ballad of John and Yoko
 +John Lennon's blog
 +Post title: A day in the life 
 +Text: I read the news today
 +Oh boy! 4,000 holes in Blackburn Lancashire
 +And though the holes were rather small, they had to count them all.
 +Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall!
 +//Posted by//: John, 1967.
 ===== Summary ===== ===== Summary =====
Line 113: Line 193:
   * [[#Images]]   * [[#Images]]
   * [[#Links]]   * [[#Links]]
 +  * [[#Example]]
 ===== Homework ====== ===== Homework ======
 +  * Create an HTML5 document to render the Blog entry shown earlier. 
 +  * Mark up the content of the blog page like this: 
 +<code html> 
 +<h1>Blog Title</h1> 
 +<h2>Sub title</h2> 
 +<article id= "unique-id" class="post"> 
 +  <h2>Entry Title</h2> 
 +  <div class="entry-text"> 
 +    <p>The blog entry</p> 
 +    <p> ... </p> 
 +  <footer class="byline"> 
 +    <em>Posted by</em>:  
 +    <address>Author</address> <datetime> 
 +  </footer> 
 +<nav role="navigation> 
 +  <!-- Put links to previous posts here --> 
 +  Copyright notice etc 
 +* Add some extra entries and link them to a table of contents. 
 +    Experiment highlighting parts of the document using styles.
 ===== Coming Next ===== ===== Coming Next =====
eg-146/lecture14.txt · Last modified: 2012/03/13 21:27 by eechris