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at-m42:casestudies:cs05 [2009/04/30 16:59] eechrisat-m42:casestudies:cs05 [2011/01/14 12:59] (current) – external edit
Line 40: Line 40:
 We shall take the example that we have developed over the previous four case studies, and re-implement //Player// and //Item// administration for an adventure game in Grails. We shall take the example that we have developed over the previous four case studies, and re-implement //Player// and //Item// administration for an adventure game in Grails.
-  * [[at-m42:labs:setup#Install Grails|Step 1: Install and Configure Grails]] -- note Grails includes the run-time files for Groovy (''groovy-all-1.6.0.jar'') so you do not need to [[at-m42:labs:setup#Install Groovy|Groovy first]]!+  * [[at-m42:labs:setup#Install Grails|Step 1: Install and Configure Grails]] -- note Grails includes the run-time files for Groovy (''groovy-all-1.6.0.jar'') so you do not need to [[at-m42:labs:setup#Install Groovy|install Groovy]] first!
   * [[#Step 2: Create project]]   * [[#Step 2: Create project]]
 +  * [[#Step 3: Run Application]]
 +  * [[#Step 4: Create First Domain Class]]
 +  * [[#Step 5: Add some properties and a Controller]]
 +  * Further steps ... to be written!
 An index to the source code for all the examples in this case study is [[/~eechris/at-m42/Case-Studies/case-study-05|available]]. An index to the source code for all the examples in this case study is [[/~eechris/at-m42/Case-Studies/case-study-05|available]].
Line 152: Line 156:
 Environment set to development Environment set to development
     [mkdir] Created dir: e:\home\cpjobling\.grails\1.1\projects\game\classes     [mkdir] Created dir: e:\home\cpjobling\.grails\1.1\projects\game\classes
-  [groovyc] Compiling 6 source files to e:\home\cpjobling\.grails\1.1\projects\+  [groovyc] Compiling 6 source files to e:\home\cpjobling\.grails\1.1\projects\game\classes 
-ame\classes +    [mkdir] Created dir: e:\home\cpjobling\.grails\1.1\projects\game\resources\grails-app\i18n 
-    [mkdir] Created dir: e:\home\cpjobling\.grails\1.1\projects\game\resources\+[native2ascii] Converting 11 files from E:\dev\at-m42-2009\Case-Studies\case-study-05\game\grails-app\i18n to e:\home\cpjobling\.grails\1.1\projects\game\resources\grails-app\i18n 
-rails-app\i18n +     [copy] Copying 1 file to e:\home\cpjobling\.grails\1.1\projects\game\classes 
-[native2ascii] Converting 11 files from E:\dev\at-m42-2009\Case-Studies\case-stu +     [copy] Copied 2 empty directories to 2 empty directories under e:\home\cpjobling\.grails\1.1\projects\game\resources
-dy-05\game\grails-app\i18n to e:\home\cpjobling\.grails\1.1\projects\game\resour +
-ces\grails-app\i18n +
-     [copy] Copying 1 file to e:\home\cpjobling\.grails\1.1\projects\game\classe +
-s +
-     [copy] Copied 2 empty directories to 2 empty directories under e:\home\cpjo +
 Running Grails application.. Running Grails application..
 Server running. Browse to http://localhost:8080/game Server running. Browse to http://localhost:8080/game
 </cli> </cli>
-Now connect to http://localhost:8080/game+Now connect to http://localhost:8080/game.
 +{{:at-m42:casestudies:hello-grails.png|Hello Grails page.}}
 + **Figure 3**: Welcome to Grails.
 +==== Step 4: Create First Domain Class ====
 +Run command ''grails creat-domain-class Item''
 +<cli prompt=">">
 +e:\dev\at-m42-2009\Case-Studies\case-study-05\game>grails create-domain-class Item
 +Welcome to Grails 1.1 -
 +Licensed under Apache Standard License 2.0
 +Grails home is set to: d:\java\applications\grails-1.1
 +Base Directory: E:\dev\at-m42-2009\Case-Studies\case-study-05\game
 +Running script d:\java\applications\grails-1.1\scripts\CreateDomainClass.groovy
 +Environment set to development
 +Created DomainClass for Item
 +Created Tests for Item
 +Creates a domain class ''Item.groovy'':
 +<code groovy 1|Listing 2: Domain class Item.groovy (at-m42/Case-Studies/case-study-05/game/grails-app/domain/Item.groovy)>
 +class Item {
 +    static constraints = {
 +    }
 +It also creates a ''GroovyTestCase'' class:
 +<code groovy 1|Listing 3: Test class for domain class Item.groovy (at-m42/Case-Studies/case-study-05/game/test/unit/ItemTests.groovy)>
 +import grails.test.*
 +class ItemTests extends GrailsUnitTestCase {
 +    protected void setUp() {
 +        super.setUp()
 +    }
 +    protected void tearDown() {
 +        super.tearDown()
 +    }
 +    void testSomething() {
 +    }
 +Unit test and integration tests can be run automatically from the command line using ''grails test-app''. This will run unit tests //and// integration tests and report the results, formatted in HTML, in ''game/test/reports/html/index.html''. With such great support, it'd be a crime not to write unit tests!
 +==== Step 4: Add some properties and a Controller ====
 +Each domain class is simply a Plain-Old-Groovy-Object with one major difference. If we add some properties, these will be automatically persisted to a database.
 +<code groovy 1|Listing 4: Item class with properties (at-m42/Case-Studies/case-study-05/game/grails-app/domain/Item.groovy)>
 +class Item {
 +    static constraints = {
 +    }
 +    String name
 +    String description
 +    Integer weight
 +    String toString() { return "${name}" }
 +If we now add a controller, we will be able to create some objects via the web interface.
 +<cli prompt=">">
 +e:\dev\at-m42-2009\Case-Studies\case-study-05\game>grails create-controller Item
 +Welcome to Grails 1.1 -
 +Licensed under Apache Standard License 2.0
 +Grails home is set to: d:\java\applications\grails-1.1
 +Base Directory: E:\dev\at-m42-2009\Case-Studies\case-study-05\game
 +Running script d:\java\applications\grails-1.1\scripts\CreateController.groovy
 +Environment set to development
 +Created Controller for Item
 +    [mkdir] Created dir: E:\dev\at-m42-2009\Case-Studies\case-study-05\game\grails-app\views\item
 +Created Tests for Item
 +As you can see this creates a new controller
 +<code groovy 1|Listing 5: ItemController class (at-m42/Case-Studies/case-study-05/game/grails-app/controllers/ItemController.groovy)>
 +class ItemController {
 +    def index = { }
 +It also creates another ''GroovyTestCase'', ''ItemControllerTests'', for testing the ''ItemController'', and an empty folder for ''Item'' //views// (''game/grails-app/views/item'').
 +Before we use this, we'll make Grails generate the necessary views "on-the-fly" by replacing ''def index = {}'' with ''def scaffold = Item'':
 +<code groovy 1|Listing 6: ItemController class with dynamic scaffolding (at-m42/Case-Studies/case-study-05/game/grails-app/controllers/ItemController.groovy)>
 +class ItemController {
 +    def scaffold = Item
 +I found that at this step, I had to stop the running grails application, run ''grails clean'' then restart the server!
 +After this runs, you will be able to browse to http://localhost:8080/game/item/list and start adding, editing and deleting items. All the necessary view code is generated automatically for you by Grails at run-time.
 ---- ----
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at-m42/casestudies/cs05.1241110789.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/01/14 12:48 (external edit)