Step 4: Install Netbeans

The Netbeans project is hosted at and there you'll find the installer as well as extensive documentation, tutorials and videos describing the product and its use in numerous software development scenarios. The current version (at the time of writing) of Netbeans is 6.1 but this doesn't have complete support for PHP and the other web development languages that we want to demonstrate in this module. Therefore I suggest that you install Netbeans 6.5 which at the time of writing was in beta. The easiest way to find Netbeans 6.5 beta is to Google for “netbeans 6.5” and then follow the links. In the following screencast we demonstrate this process by downloading and installing the PHP version of Netbeans 6.5, and then installing the Java plugin that will enable Netbeans to be used in your Java programming exercises. If you prefer, and you have the disk space, you can install everything!

Installation should be quite straightforward, the hiccups that you observe in the video are due to my having pieces of old installations around on my machine from earlier trial runs. The following screencast shows the following steps:


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