Web Applications

Supporting: Lecture 4.

  1. Follow the link to the Apache Friends version of a portable LAMP stack XAMPP. Determine the latest version and operating systems supported. Read the windows installation instructions.
  2. Follow the links to explore the features of DokuWiki, Mediawiki, Drupal, Joomla and WordPress. In each case determine the latest version and the application's installation requirments. Which of these can be installed with XAMPP on Windows?
  3. Read the Wikipedia articles on Collaborative Software, Computer-supported Cooperative Work, Computer-supported Collaboration and Social Software. Pick out any features of the systems described that could help you in your learning of this module, your group project work, personal development and social life. Make a table of your results like this:
Collaboration Feature Useful for this module Useful for group projects Useful for personal development Useful in my social life

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