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Forms and Web User Interfaces

Adapted from: Robert W. Sebasta, Programming the World-Wide Web, 3rd Edition, Addison Wesley, 2006. Supporting: Contact Hour 4.

Exercises to Illustrate Forms

  1. Create, test and validate an XHTML document that has a form with the following controls:
    1. A text box to collect the user's name
    2. Four check boxes, one each for the following items:
      1. Four 100-Watt light bulbs for £1.39
      2. Eight 100-Watt light bulbs for £2.49
      3. Four 100-Watt, long-life light bulbs for £2.29
      4. Eight 100-Watt, long-life light bulbs for £4.29
    3. A collection of three radio buttons that are labeled as follows:
      1. Visa
      2. Mastercard
      3. Switch
  2. Add a submit button labeled checkout and a reset button labeled cancel to the form created in Exercise 1.
  3. Add a menu to the form created in Exercise 1 to select a delivery method. E.g. choice of next day delivery, 1st class post, free post, courier, etc. Make 1st class post the default delivery method.
  4. Add a text area to the form created in Exercise 1 to collect user feedback.

Further Exercise

  • If you haven't already, obtain and install the Firefox web browser and install the Firebug extension. Visit the example form, add some data and submit it. Use Firebug to examine the HTTP request and response.

More Homework Exercises

eg-259/homework/3.1328133954.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/02/01 22:05 by eechris