~~SLIDESHOW~~ ====== JavaScript Libraries and jQuery ====== **Contact Hour 14**: To be discussed on Wednesday 27th February, 2013. **Presenter**: [[C.P.Jobling@Swansea.ac.uk|Dr Chris P. Jobling]]. As a way of getting around browser quirks, the web developer community, including some major players like Google and Yahoo, have developed and released JavaScript libraries. In this session we will explore the idea of a JavaScript library, mention some of the general purpose and specialized open-source libraries that exist, and introduce jQuery, one of the most widely used JavaScript libraries. ===== JavaScript Libraries ===== * JavaScript is a small language * It doesn't come with large numbers of libraries and objects * Differences between browsers make JavaScript DOM programming challenging * JavaScipt can be used to solve these problems itself * Solutions to common problems have been shared as open source JavaScript libraries ---- JavaScript is a small language that can be covered in about two weeks worth of lectures if you already know a c-like programming language. Unlike technologies like .NET, Java and Cocoa, it doesn't come with large numbers of libraries and objects that we can use to develop web applications. Unfortunately, even for the limited requirement of manipulating the DOM, differences between browsers make JavaScript more challenging than it should be. Fortunately, many of the problems can be solved using JavaScipt itself, and even better, solutions have been made into open source libraries that have been shared on the Internet. This material, including some of the examples, is based in part on Chapter 11 of Simon Allardice, //JavaScript Essential Training (2011)//, __lynda.com__, 22 July 2011. URL: [[http://www.lynda.com/JavaScript-tutorials/Essential-Training-2011/81266-2.html]] accessed 18 February 2012 and Joe Marini, //Essential jQuery Training//, __lynda.com__, 9 January 2009. URL: [[http://www.lynda.com/jQuery-tutorials/essential-training/48370-2.html]] accessed 18 February 2012. For a free alternative see Buck Rogers, //jQuery Tutorial (200 videos)//, __thenewboston.com__, URL: [[http://thenewboston.org/list.php?cat=32]], last accessed 18 February 2012. Other examples are taken from public sources on the Internet which are cited in the notes. For a previous version of these notes see [[eg-259:lecture13|Old JavaScript Libraries]] notes. ===== Contents of this Session ===== * [[eg-259:ch14#General_Purpose_JavaScript_Libraries|General Purpose JavaScript Libraries]] * [[eg-259:ch14#Special_Purpose_JavaScript_Libraries|Specialized JavaScript Libraries]] * [[eg-259:ch14#MVC_JavaScript_Libraries|MVC JavaScript Libraries]] * [[eg-259:ch14#Using_Libraries|Using Libraries]] * [[eg-259:ch14#jQuery|jQuery]] * [[eg-259:ch14#Example|Example]] * [[eg-259:ch14#jQuery_UI Components|jQuery UI Components and jQuery Mobile]] * [[eg-259:ch14#Using_CDN|Using CDN]] ===== Learning Outcomes ==== //At the end of this lecture you should be able to answer these questions//: - What features are typically provided by a //general purpose// JavaScript library? - What features are typically provided by a //specialized// JavaScript library? - How is a JavaScript library typically loaded? - Why is is recommended that most scripts and libraries are loaded at the end of an HTML document? ===== Learning Outcomes (2) ==== //At the end of this lecture you should be able to answer these questions//: - List the main sections of the jQuery API - What is the difference between //selection// and //filtering// in jQuery? - Would it be a good idea to use jQuery's CSS selection as a replacement for style sheets? - What are the two ways to assign an event handler to an element with jQuery? - What attributes and methods does the jQuery event object have? ===== Learning Outcomes (3) ==== //At the end of this lecture you should be able to answer these questions//: - What does the jQuery function return? - How does the object returned by the jQuery function allow chaining of functions? - Give an example of jQuery's animation method. - What widgets does the standard JQuery UI library contain? - What advantages does jQuery mobile offer the developer of mobile web apps? - Why is jQuery code usually embedded in an anonymous function passed as a parameter to the ''jQuery("document").ready()'' function? - What advantage does loading a JavaScript library from a CDN have? ===== General Purpose JavaScript Libraries ===== * [[http://code.google.com/closure/library/|Google's Closure Library]] * [[http://mootools.net/|MooTools]] * [[http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/|Yahoo! YUI Library]] * [[http://dojotoolkit.org/|dojo]] * [[http://www.prototypejs.org/|Prototype]] * [[http://jquery.com/|jQuery]] ===== Typical Features ===== * Navigating the DOM * retrieving elements * modifying element attributes or contents * putting modified elements back into DOM * Cross-browser event handling * Cross-browser animation * Support for AJAX ===== Specialized JavaScript Libraries ===== For specialized features: * [[http://www.lokeshdhakar.com/projects/lightbox2/|Lightbox2]] -- image display * [[http://script.aculo.us/|Script.aculo.us]] -- visual effects, animation and UI controls * [[http://moofx.mad4milk.net|moofx]] -- visual effects * [[http://www.curvycorners.net/|CurveyCorners]] -- rounded corners on browsers that don't support CSS3 * [[http://code.google.com/p/webforms2/|webforms2]] -- cross-browser support for full WebForms 2.0 spec (see [[eg-259:lecture11|HTML Forms the Next Generation]]) * [[http://www.tinymce.com/|TinyMCE]] -- adds Word toolbar-like features and WYSIWYG editing to text areas on web forms ---- Some JavaScript libraries are more specialized. Rather than be general purpose, things like Lightbox are simply JavaScript libraries for popping up images on your web site. You've probably seen these ones before. They might be for slideshows. They might be for implementing things like drag-and-drop and working with accordions. They could be as simple as a library that just helps you add curved corners to your divs. And some, might be used as //polyfills// that make standards that are not yet implemented in browsers -- such as the full web forms 2 standard -- or back-port features such as those introduced in HTML5 to older browsers. Most of these libraries are open source and they are free. There is no licensing. You simply grab the code and use it, do whatever you want with it. So we encourage you to explore what's available, and new ones are appearing all the time. ===== MVC JavaScript Libraries ===== * JavaScript frameworks for rich client-side interaction * Designed to separate code for the presentation of data (Model) in DOM (View) from the model (Application) data itself. * Controllers for coordination of data flow, state management, routing, browser history control, etc. * For now see collection in [[http://addyosmani.github.com/todomvc/|TodoMVC]] To be discussed in a later session. ===== Using Libraries ===== * Simply download * Include in document using ''

According to current best practice, you should load your scripts last.

Order is important!

---- The idea of putting scripts last is that they will be loaded once the HTML has been read and the DOM constructed. The order that scripts are loaded is important. You should generally load any library files before the scripts that build on those libraries and finally load any page-specific scripts last. Each script is loaded, using a HTTP GET request, in the order listed. Unlike other assets such as images, no parallel requests are made. The next script is only loaded when the first script has been downloaded and executed. Thus the more scripts there are the longer they will take to load and the longer the delay before the user can start to use the application. Thus, although it is useful for development to have separate files for each library, you should avoid having many scripts in production. Put them together if you can and [[wp>Minification_(programming)|minify]] the result to reduce the size of the downloads. Some development tools and frameworks will do this automatically. For example, see the [[https://github.com/h5bp/ant-build-script|HTML5 Ant Build Script]]. ===== jQuery ===== * Possibly most widely used of the JavaScript libraries * Available from [[http://jquery.com|jQuery.com]] * Designed to simplify and unify across browsers * **CSS Selectors for finding elements** * **DOM manipulation** * **Event handling** * **Animation** ===== JavaScript Selection ===== Without jQuery (View on [[http://jsfiddle.net/cpjobling/fNGwZ/1/|jsFiddle]]): // Return element var element = document.getElementById("myDiv"); element.className="highlight"; // destructive! // Return an array of elements var elements = document.getElementsByTagName("p"); for (e = 0; e < elements.length; e++) { elements[e].className="highlight"; } ---- No other selections are possible. Once a single element or set of elements is selected, you have to walk through the DOM to find an manipulate the remaining elements. * ''document.getElementById'' returns element with ''id="myDiv"'' or ''null'' if there is no such object. * ''document.getElementsByTagName("p")'' returns an array of the paragraphs in a document or the empty array * setting className is descructive, it removes whatever was there before. * For an array, we have to move through each element to apply the change ===== The jQuery Function ===== * jQuery library adds a single function ''jQuery(//selector//)'' which accepts a string containing a CSS selector which is then used to match a set of elements. * Elements returned can be further //filtered// * Elements returned can all be manipulated by chaining functions ===== jQuery Features ===== Cross-browser support for: ^ Feature Group ^ Purpose ^ Feature Group ^ Purpose ^ |//Selectors// |Using CSS selectors to matching a set of elements in a document |//Attributes// |Get and set DOM attributes of elements | |//Traversing// |Moving through the DOM|//Manipulation// |Changing the DOM | |//CSS// |Changing the styles of an element using CSS |//Events// |Cross browser event handling | |//Effects// | Animation effects |//Ajax// |Scriptable HTTP requests for partial page updates | ---- The best place to find out about these is by following the links to the jQuery API Documentation on the main [[http://docs.jquery.com/Main_Page|Documentation Page]]. ===== Fiddle with jQuery ===== **Play with this example on [[http://jsfiddle.net/cpjobling/pvknH/12/|jsFiddle]]** ===== jQuery Selection ===== With jQuery: jQuery("#myDiv").addClass("highlight"); jQuery("p").addClass("highlight"); ---- Here ''addClass'' is not destructive...it adds the class. Same command used for single element and array of element. jQuery takes care of the selection of elements and the iteration through a collection. There is also a ''removeClass(//class_name//)'' and a ''toggleClass(//class_name//)'' function. The first removes the named class (and only the named class); the second toggles the class -- adds it if it doesn't exist, removes it if it does. ===== More Selectors ===== * Selection by tag, id, class, attribute, just like in CSS jQuery("#someId"); // by id jQuery(".someClass"); // by class jQuery("p"); jQuery("a"); jQuery("li");// by tag jquery("p.description"); // combination of tag and class jQuery("p + p"); jQuery("div > p"); // more complex relationships jQuery("a[href~='swansea.ac.uk']"); // by attribute value See [[http://api.jquery.com/category/selectors/|jQuery Selectors]] for more documentation and examples ---- If your CSS is a bit rusty: * ''p.description'' matches ''


'' * ''p + p'' matches a paragraph that is a sibling of a paragraph, that is for

First paragraph

Second paragraph

Third paragraph

''jQuery("p + p")'' would return ["

Second paragraph


Third paragraph

* ''div > p'' returns all the ''

'' elements that are direct descendents (children) of a ''

'' (the parent). * ''jQuery("a[href~='swansea.ac.uk']")'' returns all '''' (anchor or link) elements whose ''href'' attribute contains the string ''swan.ac.uk''. ===== Filters ===== * Filtering by equivalent of CSS pseudo classes * See this example on [[http://jsfiddle.net/cpjobling/45Uw6/3/|jsFiddle]] jQuery("p:first"); // first match jQuery("p:last"); // last match jQuery("p:even"); // even numbered array index (zero base) jQuery("p:contains('interesting')"); jQuery("p:hidden"); ---- These can be combined with any of the other selectors, for example jQuery("p.description:first"); jQuery("p.description:contains('interesting')"); ===== Attributes ===== Most commonly used: jQuery('a').attr('href'); // getter jQuery('a').attr('href','http://www.swan.ac.uk'); // setter // Setting multiple attributes jQuery('a').attr({href: "http://www.swan.ac.uk", title: "Home page"}); jQuery('p').html(); jQuery('p').html("Some content"); jQuery('#someInput').val(); jQuery('#someInput').val('new value'); Illustrated in this [[http://jsfiddle.net/cpjobling/JMgMj/1/|jsFiddle]] See [[http://api.jquery.com/category/attributes/|jQuery Attributes]] for more examples and details. ---- All functions can be used in a //getter// (no params) or //setter// mode. Some setters can take a variety of arguments, such as ''(name, value)'' or objects ''{par1: val1, par2, val2}'' used to set multiple values at once. ===== Traversing the DOM ===== Functions that help you move around the selection set: jQuery('p').append('A Span'); var children = jQuery('p').children(); jQuery('li').each(function(index) { alert(index + ': ' + $(this).text()); }); jQuery('p').previous(); jQuery('p').next(); See [[http://jsfiddle.net/cpjobling/YhmFU/2/|jsFiddle]] for a demonstration of these functions. See [[http://api.jquery.com/category/traversing/|jQuery Traversing]] for more examples and details. ===== DOM Manipulation ===== Functions that help you change the currently selected elements. An example((There are many more possibilities)) jQuery('p').hide().css({'border', '3px solid red'}).fadeIn(2000); To play with this example see this [[http://jsfiddle.net/cpjobling/Ms6L4/7/|jsFiddle]] See [[http://api.jquery.com/category/manipulation/|jQuery Manipulation]] for more DOM manipulation functions and examples. ---- The code example includes an example of CSS manipulation and animation. It will select all paragraphs in the document, initially hide them, apply the equivalent css style p { border: 3px solid red; } then make each paragraph fade in to the document over a period of 2000 ms (2 seconds). The function ''jQuery'' is aliased to ''$'' so you will often see the jQuery function written ''$('

')'' as opposed to ''jQuery('

')''. So the example would be simplified to $('

').hide().css({'border', '3px solid red'}).fadeIn(2000); ===== CSS ===== Functions to add and remove classes from elements, change the CSS directly (equivalent to applying a local style setting to the selected elements), and some special functions for obtaining positional information from elements. jQuery('p').addClass("highlight"); jQuery('p').css("border","3px solid red"); var position = jQuery("#specialDiv").position(); console.log("left = " + position.left + "; top = " + position.top); See this example in [[http://jsfiddle.net/cpjobling/uVbS2/2/|jsFiddle]] See [[http://api.jquery.com/category/css/|jQuery CSS]] for more ideas. ===== Events ===== * In browsers events are either handled the DOM level 2 way (see [[eg-259:lecture9|JavaScript and HTML Part 2]]) or the "Internet Explorer Way" * jQuery Event APIs provide a cross-browser way to register event handlers as well as * A cross-browser valid definition of the event object * They are used to register behaviors that take effect when the user interacts with the browser, and to further manipulate those registered behaviors. To play with events, try this [[http://jsfiddle.net/cpjobling/VZxfs/10/|jsFiddle]] For a full list of events and event properties see [[http://api.jquery.com/category/events/|jQuery Events]] ===== Binding Events to Elements ===== Use the ''on'' function: jQuery('[type="radio"]').on("click", function() { alert("Button " + $(this).val() + " clicked"}); }); ===== Simplified Event Registration Functions ===== jQuery('#target').click(function() { alert("Target clicked"); }); jQuery("#other").click(function() { $("#target").click(); }); ---- Functions exist for most of the common events, mouse events and key events. The names are the same as for the HTML attributes: e.g. ''//on//blur'' has jQuery binding function ''blur''. ===== The jQuery Event Object ====== * All event functions can take an [optional] event object as an argument. * This provides a browser-agnostic way of getting and setting useful event properties in a browser independent way event.type // type of event event.target // original target of the event event.currentTarget // target of the event during bubbling event.pageX // mouse coordinates of event event.pageY event.preventDefault() // stop the default action (e.g. submit) event.stopPropagation() // stop bubbling ===== Animation Effects ===== Various ways to change the display jQuery('p').hide(); jQuery('p').hide('slow'); jQuery('p').fadeIn(); jQuery('p').slideDown(4000); jQuery('p').animate({opacity: 0.25, left: '+=50', height: 'toggle'}, 5000, function() { alert('Animation complete') }); Play with animation using this [[http://jsfiddle.net/cpjobling/gBgW8/7/|jsFiddle]] For more information and examples see [[http://api.jquery.com/category/effects/|jQuery Effects]] ===== AJAX ===== Will be discussed in the session on AJAX ===== The $ Shortcut ===== It has become a convention to alias the ''jQuery'' function to the one-letter variable ''$''. Thus you will see $('p').addClass('highlight'); rather than jQuery('p').addClass('highlight'); but both are equivalent. ---- In fact there is a definition in the jQuery code: window.jQuery = window.$ = jQuery; Recall that and JavaScript variable or function that is added to the ''window'' object is global to the web app. ===== Loading jQuery Scripts ===== $(document).ready(function() { // your code here }); Runs the code (e.g. to add classes, event handlers etc) when the DOM is fully loaded. ---- This is often shortened to this: $(function() { // your code here }); **Notes**: - the ''$("document").ready()'' function will only be called when the DOM is fully loaded and available for processing by JavaScript. - You can also have multiple calls to ''$(document).ready()'' and they will be executed in the order encountered. This allows you to modularize your code: for example to separate form validation from animation. - By declaring the code to be executed by jQuery as the body of an anonymous function you ensure that all the variables declared in the code block will be not visible to the rest of JavaScript. This prevents name clashes when using libraries and scripts from different sources. ===== Putting it All Together ===== The [[eg-259:ch14?&#events|jQuery Events]] example from this document re-implemented as a stand-alone script. * [[http://localhost:4567/eg-259/examples/lecture10/jquery_events.html|jquery_events.html]] ---- The Markup: Illustrate form input validation

Illustrating jQuery

jQuery Events

Types of Plane

Simplified Event Regsitration

  1. Add an event listener to button labelled "Target" that shows an alert when it is clicked
  2. Add an event listener to button labelled "Other" that clicks the "Target" button.

The jQuery event object

The event will bubble out from the button in the inner div. It should stop bubbling before it reaches the outer div and the form should not submit.

The JavaScript: $(document).ready(function() { // The event handler for a radio button collection var planeChoice = function (plane) { // Produce an alert message about the chosen airplane switch (plane) { case "152": alert("A small two-place airplane for flight training"); break; case "172": alert("The smaller of two four-place airplanes"); break; case "182": alert("The larger of two four-place airplanes"); break; case "210": alert("A six-place high-performance airplane"); break; default: alert("Error in JavaScript function planeChoice"); break; } }; var describeEvent = function(event, source) { console.log("Handler caught " + event.type + " event from " + source); console.log("Original target") console.log(event.target); console.log("Current target"); console.log(event.currentTarget); console.log("Mouse coordinates: [" + event.pageX + ", " + event.pageY + "]"); }; // Register event handlers for radio buttons $('[name="planeButton"]').on("click", function(event) { console.log(describeEvent(event,"planeButton")); plane = $(this).val(); console.log("Button " + plane + " clicked"); planeChoice(plane); }); // Simplified event registration $('#target').click(function(event) { console.log(describeEvent(event,"Target Button")); alert("Target button clicked"); }); $('#other').click(function(event) { console.log(describeEvent(event,"Other Button")); alert("Other button clicked ... now clicking 'target'"); $('#target').click(); }); // The jQuery event object - allows us to explore bubbling jQuery('button[type="submit"]').on("click", function(event) { describeEvent(event, "'Search' button"); // stop form being submitted event.preventDefault(); }); jQuery('#inner').on("click", function(event) { describeEvent(event, "'#inner' div"); // stop bubbling here event.stopPropagation(); }); jQuery('#outer').on("click", function(event) { // should never fire! describeEvent(event, "'#outer' div"); }); }); ===== The Form Validator Again ===== * Re-implemented using jQuery event handling [[http://localhost:4567/eg-259/examples/lecture10/validator.html|validator.html]] ---- The HTML is unchanged! // Form validator re-implemented in jQuery $(document).ready(function() { // The event handler function for the name text box var chkName = function(event) { var myName = event.target; // Test the format of the input name // Allow the spaces after the commas to be optional // Allow the period after the initial to be optional var pos = myName.value.search(/^[A-Z][a-z]+, ?[A-Z][a-z]+, ?[A-Z]\.?$/); if (pos != 0) { alert("The name you entered (" + myName.value + ") is not in the correct form. \n" + "The correct form is: " + "Last name, First name, Middle initial \n" + "Please go back and fix your name"); myName.focus(); myName.select(); return false; } else return true; }; // The event handler function for the phone number text box var chkPhone = function(event) { var myPhone = event.target; // Test the format of the input phone number var pos = myPhone.value.search(/^\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}$/); if (pos != 0) { alert("The phone number you entered (" + myPhone.value + ") is not in the correct form. \n" + "The correct form is: ddd-ddd-dddd \n" + "Please go back and fix your phone number"); myPhone.focus(); myPhone.select(); return false; } else return true; }; var validate_form = function(event) { if (! chkName(event) || ! chkPhone(event)) { event.preventDefault(); } }; // Register event handlers $("#custName").change(chkName); $("#phone") .change(chkPhone); $("#submit") .click(validate_form); }); ===== jQuery UI Components ===== * A large library of interactions, widgets, utilities and effects. * Too many to describe here. * See [[http://jqueryui.com/home|jQuery UI]] ===== jQuery Mobile ===== > "Query Mobile is a touch-optimized HTML5 UI framework designed to make sites and apps that are accessible on all popular smartphone, tablet and desktop devices." -- [[http://jquerymobile.com/|jQuery Mobile]] * A set of widgets * Events optimised for touch interfaces provided by tablets and mobile phones * Designed for responsive web design * Built on HTML5 See the [[http://jquerymobile.com/|demos on the home page]]. ===== Using CDN ===== * Instead of hosting your own copy of jQuery or jQuery-UI, use a Content Distribution Network * E.g. using the Google API Code CDN