// methods, initialization and test case as shown previously // ... // Test Case: Remove an item println 'Test Case: Remove an item' removeItem(game, 'knife') displayItems(game) // Test Case: player picks up an item println 'Test Case: player picks up an item' pickUpItem(game, 'apple', 'Chris') displayItems(game) // Test Case: player drops an item println 'Test Case: player drops an item' dropItem(game, 'apple', 'Chris') displayItems(game) // Test Case: Display the number of items being carried by a player println 'Test Case: Display the number of items being carried by a player' println "Number of items being carried by Chris: ${readNumberOfItemsBeingCarried(game, 'Chris')}\n" // Test Case: Display the number of carriers of an item println 'Test Case: Display the number of carriers of an item' println "Number of players carrying a sword: ${readNumberOfPlayersHoldingItem(game, 'sword')}\n"